Naughty Night Nurses Read online


  A Novel


  Arilyn Abbott

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  Copyright © 2017 by Arilyn Abbott

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  Table of Contents

  Naughty Night Nurses



















  Nailed by Daddy’s Best Friend

  Daddy’s Best Friend: Volume 1

  Anna is a night shift nurse who has finally had enough of her long-time boyfriend's slacker ways, and she's opening up to new experiences. There are plenty of men to choose from, including an amorous Spanish billionaire and a new alpha male doctor with an enchanting Irish accent, but will she ever find the right one?

  Olivia is a bad girl surgery nurse who takes whatever she wants, no matter what the consequences. She isn't looking for Mr. Right. She's just looking for trouble, and she finds it in a handsome Nordic surgeon and another surgery nurse almost as feisty as she is. The first thing Olivia does on her shift tonight is Anna's boyfriend.

  Vanessa is a seasoned emergency nurse who feels unwanted at home, but very, very, very wanted at work. When two alpha males show up in her bedroom at the same time, what's a girl to do?

  Ruby is a brand new nurse fresh out of college who is taking full advantage of her youth and beauty. She's curious and there's just so... much... to... take... in. Tonight, she takes in a paramedic and a flight nurse - all the way in.

  There are at least eight steamy sex scenes in this novella, and they're just getting started. Follow Anna, Olivia, and the rest of the amorous medical staff in Night Nurse.

  Naughty Night Nurses Novella 1 is an erotic novella and is not intended for underage readers




  hat button do I need to push to make you come every time?" he asked with a confident, seductive smirk.

  He said that to her. Patients say a lot of dirty, dirty things to nurses, but it's usually senile old widowers grasping at their last vestiges of ego. This guy was young, gorgeous, and practically a sultan, or whatever the Spanish version of a sultan is.

  She wasn't even sure if the naughtiness was intentional or all in her head. Wishful thinking. Flattering herself. But that smirk, she didn't imagine that did she?

  Anna just came on shift at 7 pm. and Victor was her last stop for this hour of rounds. He was lying there with his hospital gown pulled down to barely cover the bulge below his waist. The uncovered part of him was nothing but muscles and perfect flesh, his arms behind his pretty, pretty head. His hair was dark, and wavy, and fell in loose ringlets of godlike perfection on his pillow.

  "Can you tell me your name, sir?"

  "My name is Victor Francisco." Veek-torr. Veeeeek. Torrrr.

  "Mr. Francisco, how are you feeling tonight?" Anna asked as she picked his arm up and tucked it under hers. She strapped the blood pressure cuff to his arm.

  "I am supposed to be detoxing," his hand was firmly against her side, holding her, like he was going to lead her in lambada, the forbidden dance. "But you are intoxicating."

  She hadn't been so aware of her breast touching a patient's arm since nursing school.

  As she pumped the bulb to inflate the blood pressure cuff, she imagined that the bulge under his hospital gown was growing too. She put the stethoscope head on his arm. She listened to his pulse, watched his smooth, hard chest rise and fall with his breathing. Her own heart was racing. He own breathing was quickened.

  "Can I cover you with a blanket? Are you cold, are you hot?"

  "You can cover me with kisses," he said with that smirk again, "But no blanket. I am so very... very... very hot."

  Seriously, these same lines from an 85 year old man -- totally different effect. Still inappropriate in this case. Still cheesy, but coming from a matador, totally, totally different effect.

  She'd been doing this job for a couple years and never once has she been tempted, but this man tempted her. Not like she could or would do anything about it. She was practically married to her high school sweetheart. Besides that, this man was way, way, way out her league. Profoundly out of her league.

  She took his temperature, orally. He never broke eye contact. His eyes were dark and sexually charged, suggestive in a confident way. His confidence, his body, this attention from someone who looks like that... fuck.

  "You don't have a fever, but I'll have an aide bring you an ice pack to help you cool off." She was already moving toward the door. Anna needed to get out of this room. She needed to cool off too.

  "Again, I ask," he said before she could leave, "What button must I push to make you come?"

  "Your call button is the red button on the rail of the bed to your right," she told him because surely she was reading too much into his phrasing.

  "This button?" She watched as his finger traced a slow path along the bed rail to the button, and slowly ran along the edge of the button, in a gentle, caressing circle around it. He was watching her. "I just push it like this?"

  He pushed it. The familiar DONG! DONG! DONG! of the call alarm system made her gasp a little this time.

  She hit the button the wall to turn off the alarm. She rolled her eyes and shook her head in that "behave" kind of way and left the room. She fell against the wall beside room number 468 and took a moment to regain her composure.

  Down the hall, another call light went off. Anna gasped a little. Fuck.


  "Jeeb doesn't talk to me like that." Anna was getting report from Olivia about a surgery patient that just came up to the med-surg floor for recovery. Anna also filled Olivia in about Victor Francisco. "Jeeb has never talked to me like that."

  "If Victor Francisco says he wants to make you come," Olivia said
, "You let Victor Francisco make you come."

  "Do you know this guy?"

  "Are you serious?" Olivia leaned over the computer and pulled up a web search for Victor Francisco. Sure enough, there he was, in all his glory. He looked good in a tailored suit. "He's a billionaire. He owns Victorco Capital."


  "Definitely fuck. Go in there and do the pelvic loading test," Olivia had a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Oh no, baby, check him for the Bangor alarm clock sign."

  "The Bangor alarm clock sign?"

  "The Bangor alarm clock sign," Olivia said. "It's when you put your..."

  "No, stop, stop," Anna said. "You are a sick bitch. I don't need to know."

  "I paid attention during clinicals."

  "I don't think that was part of the curriculum."

  "I did a lot of independent study."

  "This, by the way, is illegal," Anna was still scrolling through photos of Victor Francisco. "We aren't supposed to internet stalk patients. Besides, I have a boyfriend. I'm not like that. I'm not that kind of person."

  "Do you? Have a boyfriend?" Olivia countered.

  "You know I do, silly, you carpooled to school with us during second year, when he was taking his driver safety class."

  "I mean, do you really? He was your first," Olivia said. "That doesn't mean he has to be your only. You're not the same people you were in high school. You've done nothing but fight for years."

  She wasn't wrong.

  "Listen, Jeebler is a fucking asshole," Anna's phone vibrated in her pocket, "But Jeebler is my fucking asshole. And he's calling."

  Into the phone, she said, "Talk.” He did. He was clearly high. This was going to be another argument.


  "How's work babygirl?" Olivia read a text message from someone saved in her phone as "Dumbfuck".

  "Where are you?"

  "In the elevator. u?" she hit send.

  "outside. u want it?" came the reply.

  Of course she wanted it. She delighted in the power she had over men. Usually she stuck to men with money or power. Men who would buy her things and take her places. Men like Victor Francisco. But she had made her moves on Victor Francisco. He had been nothing but business with her. Nothing but business with her, but a fucking Lothario with uptight, goody goody Anna. What the fuck.

  She had different reasons for playing this worthless piece of shit.

  "Yeah." Send. "Back door this time." Send.

  "u want me 2 come in ur back door?"

  This worthless piece of shit disgusted her.

  "lol. Hospital back door. I'll leave it open for you."

  You fucking piece of shit.


  "Listen, I have work to do," Anna whispered sternly into the phone. "I am at work. I have responsibilities, Jeebler."

  Ruby, the brand new med-surg nurse was walking by.

  "Jeebler?" she giggled. "Like the elves?"

  "Yeah," Anna didn't even bother to cover the phone. "He's a grown man named Jeebler, like the elves that bake cookies in a tree."

  "Hey, do you know where there are more moon boots?" Ruby asked. "We're out in the supply room up here."

  "Moon what?"

  "Um... whatever you call those leg compression things. For my post-op."

  "Oh, right, try the basement supply room?" Anna said to Ruby. To the phone she impatiently said, "Yeah, I'm listening."

  Ruby was on her way to the elevator when a nurse call light came on down the hall.

  "You take care of that. I'll get your 'moon boots'," Anna told Ruby, then to the phone, "Listen, cookie elf, I have to work. Just... just be careful okay?... Ugh. I love you too."

  She did. At least she thought she did. It wasn't that she was comfortable, because she wasn't. Sometimes she couldn't stand looking at him. When they were younger, his loser personality was appealing, but she matured. He never did. Complacent was a more accurate description.

  Trapped by the sunk cost of invested time and energy. Trapped by a cookie elf.


  The supply room was dark, but there was just enough light to see a scruffy-looking dick of a guy slam Olivia's back against the wall. Some urinals tumbled off a nearby supply shelf and clattered on the hard floor.

  He pushed her arms over her head, pinning them against the wall. She tilted her head back, letting his mouth have access to fully explore her neck, her shoulders, his mouth covering all of the skin not covered by the low riding v-neck of her standard-issue light blue surgical scrub top. His mouth hungrily complied, his lips and tongue all over her, not skillfully, but hungrily.

  Still pinning her arms up with one hand, he brought the other hand down to grope her breasts through her shirt. Through her shirt and through her bra. Just touch them already, she thought.

  She broke his weak grasp with one hand and ran it through his dumb hair and buried his dumb face deeper in her neck. She brought her other hand down to unclasp her bra behind her back. She took his hands and guided them under her shirt so she could feel his warmth against her tits.

  "Kiss them, bitch," she told him. He did. "Suck them." He did.

  Olivia pulled on the drawstring of her scrub pants, but kept her legs spread just enough to keep them from falling. Her hand slid down the front and felt her warm mound through her silky panties, making them damp under the touch of her fingers. Making herself wet from the thrill of doing this right here. Fucking in public was her favorite.

  His hand followed hers down. She took it in hers and rubbed her clit with his fingertips, controlling the pressure and the speed. When she was ready, she pushed his middle finger inside of her.

  "You like that, babygirl, don't you?"

  I like it when you shut up, she thought.


  The elevator was taking forever. Anna poked at the button absentmindedly.

  On her phone, she spelled the word "STALLION" for 32 points.

  When the doors finally parted, the elevator was already full. Heading from ICU to fifth floor observation probably. The tiny space was packed wall to wall with IV pumps and people. She'd just wait for it come around again.

  Her opponent, Hardb0dd69, had already played again. "BENT" for 14 points.

  She dragged tiles up to the board to spell "STIFF" and hit the submit button.


  In the supply room, Olivia the surgery nurse unbuckled Dumbfuck's belt. She was standing face to face with him, and looked straight into his eyes while she did it. A cocky, stupid grin grew across his face as she rubbed the growing bulge in his camo cargo shorts.

  Her face close to his, he came in for her lips. She turned her head so that his mouth met with her neck again. He kissed it. She wouldn't dare kiss his mouth. She had too much contempt for his wretched stupidity for that.

  Instead, she countered by kissing his neck back. Then she took his ear lobe in her mouth and bit down lightly on it as she unbuttoned his shorts. She tugged gently with her teeth as she unzipped him. She held him by his head and slowly traced inside his ear with her warm, wet tongue as she took his thick hardness in her hand, out of his boxer shorts.

  His hands moved down her back and wrapped around her tight round ass, pulling her close to him. She parted her legs to feel him hard against her. She rolled her hips against him, pushed against him.

  She turned around and pushed up against his hardness. He kissed her neck. His hands engulfed her small perky tits.

  She cleared a space in the shelf in front of her. She bent over to lean into it, between a bin of mouth swabs and a bin of petroleum jelly packets. He took the hint. He pulled her scrub pants down. They fell to her feet. He rubbed her ass. He moaned at the perfection of it. She worked hard in the gym five days a week to get that reaction. Squats always pay off, she thought.

  He tugged on the waist band of her thong, kissed the round ass. She arched her back, opening her heart-shaped gap to him. His tongue traced up the center of the swelling, damp mound that hugged her dainty, silky, red thong p
anties. She reached back to pull them off. They too fell to the floor.

  His tongue wasted no time. He immediately drank her in, licking hard against her smooth, soft lips.

  Fuck you, you piece of shit, she thought.

  "Fuck me," she said. "Fuck me, you piece of shit."


  "Hey stranger," Vanessa, a well-seasoned ER nurse, caught Anna in the hallway. "What do you think of the new hospitalist?"

  "New hospitalist? I didn't know there was a new doctor. You know they don't tell us anything, Vanessa."

  "There sure is, and I've heard he is quite dashing."

  "Oooh, dashing! Dapper too, I'm sure."

  "And European, too!" Vanessa did some kind of accent, "Maybe he is a Frenchman, yes? Or an Italian!"

  "Ha! We already have a Latin lover upstairs. I don't know how many more romance languages I can handle at once."

  "Give me a call when he shows up," Vanessa said. "I'll have to come take a look. Right now I'm headed to radiology to get some x-rays to send with a patient."

  "Anything interesting?" Anna joined in the walk toward radiology. It was only a slight detour.

  "Accidentally slipped in the shower and fell rectum first on a 12-inch flashlight."

  "Seriously?" Anna had heard about things like that, and seen photos on the internet, but never heard of it happening in real life.

  "Lord, no," Vanessa said, "It's just an abdomen CT. Old lady's got a tummy ache."

  "You got me, I believed you. Can never rule out the flashlight though, right?" Anna gestured toward the sign over the door to the radiology department.

  "Oh, I certainly don't," Vanessa said with a wink, "This is my stop."